The International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference has adopted the Patients Included Conferences Charter to demonstrate the commitment of the conference organisers to incorporating the experience and insights of patients and carers into the planning and running of the conference and to making the conference open to patient and carer delegates. In meeting our commitments to the charter:
  1. 1.Four patients and carers (referred to as Public Partners) are full members of the Scientific Committee and the Education Committee for the conference (two on each committee) and are involved in every aspect of the planning alongside and in partnership with the scientific members
  2. 2.The patient and carer members of the organising committees will chair conference sessions and are expected be present for the whole conference. The conference is also open to patient and carer delegates. Patient and carer delegates are eligible to submit abstracts and present research they have led or been involved with.
  3. 3.The full travel and accommodation expenses for the patients and carers involved in the organisation and running of the conference will be paid (in advance).
  4. 4.The conference is providing two bursaries (as a minimum) for patient and carer delegates to cover travel, accommodation and the full delegate fee (up to £1,000). The delegate fee for other patient and carer delegates will be charged at the discounted student rate.
  5. 5.The conference venue and accommodation are fully accessible for any delegates who have disability requirements
  6. 6.The conference budget is unable to support the provision of live streaming of the conference. The conference organisers are investigating the feasibility and cost of providing recordings of the main plenary sessions to enable patient, carer and any other delegates who are unable to attend in person to view them free of charge after the conference and will update this statement before the conference.

In addition to the 6 core clauses of the Patients Included charter, we as a conference have also included:

  1. • Public Partners are involved in developing bursary application form and selecting recipients of bursaries.
  2. • Public Partners are involved in the selection of criteria for and in scoring of presentations and posters for the Patient and Public Involvement prize for conference.
  3. • Public Partners are involved in developing communication material and strategies for advertising conference attendance to public/patients.